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Fees and interest rates

Case processing fee

When you submit a complaint, you must pay a fee to the Rent Disputes Tribunal. We will send you an invoice as soon as the complaint is registered.

The fee is

  • NOK 1 243 for the landlord
  • NOK 248 for the tenant

You have to pay the fee before we can process the case. If you do not pay the fee, we cannot process your case.

You will find the invoice in your digital mailbox. If you do not have a digital mailbox we will send the invoice as ordinary mail.

About digital communication in the Rent Disputes Tribunal

Service expenses

If your complaint is served through an announcment in a newspaper, you must pay the cost of the ad in the paper. You can claim that the opposing part must pay your service expenses when the case is finished.

Read more about service

Interest on overdue payments

If someone does not pay you what they owe you, you can claim interest on overdue payments. You do need to calculate the interest when you submit the complaint. It is enough to check off the box in the complaint form that you are claiming interest. See the picture at the bottom of the page, for reference.

When the case is finished it is the parties responsbility to calculate the interest. In the decision it will say from what date interest should be payed. We recommend using a calculater for interest rates.

Calculator for interest rates

How to claim case expenses and interest from the opposing part

You can claim expenses you have had related to the case, as well as interest rates from the opposing part.

If you claim that the opposing part should pay you for the case processing fee, announcement expenses and interest, you must cross "Yes" ("Ja") under the box for "Case expenses and interest" ("Sakskostnader og renter") in the complaint form.

Skjermbilde fra skjema. Tittel: Sakskostnader og renter. Den annen part må betale saksbehandlingsgebyret samt eventuell forkynningsomkostning. Svaralternativer: Ja / Nei.